Westpark’s environmental team carried out habitat assessments and bird nest surveys, developed innovative mitigation strategies
and a communication protocol that allowed the project to be completed efficiently and with the highest environmental standards.
Matt KennedyVice President, Environment; Innergex Renewable Energy Inc.
Westpark's environmental management provided professional direction and prepared management plans to perform works in an
efficient manner and with a high standard of environmental stewardship. Coordination and frequent communication with our
Environmental Lead and the Independent Environmental Monitor also assured that works proceeded without delays or
environmental incidents.
Isabelle DeguiseRegulatory and Environment Lead; BluEarth Renewables Inc.
Without Westpark’s support, we would have been completely overwhelmed by the environmental requirements. With their help, we
worked our way through the scrutiny of the monitors and ministries with virtually no issues.
Dave PatersonProject Manager; Lizzie Bay Logging Ltd.